Steven Brown, AIFD, Chair of the Environmental Horticulture and Floristry Department at City College of San Francisco, so ably narrated the program which feature the latest trends in floral design as well as materials used in their execution.
Three South Korean students (Soyeon Kim, Jung Hwa Han, YouBin Kim) In Floral Design at City College of San Jose came to demonstrate their skills as part of the April program Floral Design for an Exuberant Spring
Abalone shell so cleverly used.
Everyone excitedly examining,questioning, and buying!
Horticulturist and Plant/Bake sales Chair Susan Moss enjoyed their roles immensely and it shows!
A well oiled system makes for easy choosing and buying.
The perennial table at the plant sale
We had a table covered with plants -they went fast!
Yummys at the bake sale; and see the gorgeous neon red zygocactus blossoms brought by Marguerite Appling!
Ellen Chu and Pat Hirschbeck in line to purchase at the plant sale
President Pat Ley is all set to commence the June 28, 2016, meeting of The Garden Club of Los Altos featuring Laura Balaoro’s program “Gardening with Succulents in Santa Clara County
Honorary life member Joan Tankersley discusses her arrangement of Queen An
Scholarship chairwomen Jean Gillette and Dena Matson presented background! and future fundraising plans with a delightful enthusiasm
Plant Give-away Chairperson Liana Cauz awaits lucky recipients of succulents donated by Laura Balaora.
Laura Balaoro preparing for post-program sale of succulents with assistance from Liz Calhoon.
Part of Liz Calhoon’s horticultural presentation involved the use of these seed pods and dried flowers including the buckwheat in the blue vase, Erigoneum giganteum, and the Chazmantheum grass, also called N. sea oats.