September 2015



MEETING PLACE: Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Los Altos Lutheran Church
460 S. El Monte Avenue, Los Altos

PROGRAM: 1:30 P.M.

PROGRAM: “ROSES, REVIVED!” Our roses have suffered greatly in this drought, and we all have lost some of our favorites. But help is on the way! From Regan’s Nursery in Fremont, Marsha Hildebrand will help identify rose ailments and offer some remedies. Root fungus? Moles? Gophers? Drought? She will explain how to keep roses healthy and blooming – and when to replace them with new ones.

To make it easy to choose some new roses, Marsha will bring cut flowers as samples of what can be ordered now and delivered to our front doors as bare root roses in mid-January. So think about those empty spots in your garden where you want roses, and prepare to fill in the order forms that Marsha will bring along. Payment may be made by check or credit card. There are also roses in pots that you can plant right now, but you will have to visit Regan’s in Fremont to get those.

This month’s program was developed by JoAnne Connelly, our Vice President and Programs Chairman. Visitors are welcome to the program; there is a $5 guest fee.

FALL PLANT & BAKE SALE: This is our twice a year Plant and Bake Sale fund raiser – we ask everyone to participate. Bring plants or baked goods, and tell your friends to come and see our bargain prices. Bring plants early. Sale begins at 11:00 and ends at 12:45.

Plant Sale: Bring plants between 9:30 and 10:00 so that we have time to arrange and price the items. Please label with plant names and color – or best yet, a photo. Plants in pot size of 4” or larger and in good condition that you would be proud to take home. Bring water-wise plants, perennials, succulents, winter veggies, houseplants, bulbs or garden related items, plant stands, decorative pots, etc. Save cuttings, plastic pots and heavy items for the plant exchange.

Bake Sale: Will be set up in the meeting room, please bring items EARLY so that they can be priced. Joyce Baron suggests baked goods, small breads, cookies 12 to a plate or package, pies, jams, jellies, candies, fresh herbs, etc. Wrap nicely for transport, label and mark if they contain nuts. This is a way to contribute so please be generous. Thanks to all of you who signed up to help, you are so special! Susan Moss

PLANT EXCHANGE: The autumn Plant Exchange will be on Saturday, September 26, 2015, from 10 a.m. to noon at Los Altos’ Hillview Community Center parking lot. The address is 97 Hillview Avenue, off San Antonio Road. Basically, the Plant Exchange is “bring a few, take a few.” We are looking for a few more volunteers for the 30 minutes check-in position. No experience necessary. This is the Garden Club’s community event and if you haven’t volunteered, please consider coming out to see what it’s all about. If you are a new member, it’s great fun to meet new people and exchange a few plants. We will have a sign-up sheet at the September meeting. Thanks! Liz Calhoon

FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: Since our gardens are winding down and the drought has taken its toll on our flower beds or what is left of them, I would like to suggest making an “Ikebana-ish” Flower Arrangement. No need to have taken a class, just draw emphasis to the shape, line and form of your arrangement. Highlight natural shapes and graceful lines and incorporate it into a triangular shape if possible. If you would rather not attempt this, bring in an arrangement that suits what you have blooming in your yard. We appreciate any type of creativity with flowers or any other types of natures’ gifts. Carol Press

HOSPITALITY: SEPTEMBER birthdays – Bring cookies/fruit plate or veggie plate (by 12:15) to our September meeting. Thank you to those who remember to bring their coffee/tea cup. Marguerite Appling

HISTORY MUSEUM GARDEN HELPERS: We are still working on Thursdays, from 9-11. If you'd like to join us to get acquainted, we'd enjoy seeing you. You, too, can join our regular Thursday crew of Caroline Landsbergen, Susan Moss, Chris Gibrech, Don Durr, Nancy Brubaker and Nancy Kosinski. The daily walkers enjoying these gardens have been increased by a Moms "Boot Camp" exercise group, with babies in strollers! This provides entertainment for us all! If you would like to join us, please call Ellie Moll, and I will add you to my email list to be notified of our work plans. We chat as we work and quite often we learn something new from one another. Come for an hour and see if you like it. Thank You!!!

ALONG THE GARDEN PATH: Thank you to everyone who plans to participate in our Club’s special fall activities this coming week by growing plants for the Plant Sale, preparing items for the Bake Sale, sharing plants at the Plant Exchange and/or volunteering on the days of these events. You make all the difference! See you at the Plant Sale and general meeting on Tuesday, September 22nd and the Plant Exchange on Saturday, September 26th. Betty Ward

MEMBERSHIP: Welcome to our new members: Sue Kim and Diane Levin

DIRECTORY CHANGES: Nancy Shardell’s has a new email

OCTOBER POTLUCK LUNCH BOARD MEETING: The Potluck Lunch Board meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 7, 2015, at Marguerite Appling’s home, Co-hosts are Barbara Capron and Susan Trost. Call Marguerite ,Barbara or Susan 3 if you will not be able to attend. Marguerite will have the sign-up sheet at the September general meeting so think about what you would like to bring. REMEMBER – IT IS ON WEDNESDAY, NOT MONDAY, THIS YEAR.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Please ignore the formatting problems with “Program” and “Along the Garden Path” – my little bar to change indents disappeared and I don’t have time to figure it out this month!!!


St. Simon Church Rummage Sale, 1860 Grant Road, Los Altos. Friday, September 25 from 10 – 4 and Saturday September 26 from 9 – 2.

Succulent Gardens, 2133 Elkhorn Road, Castroville. Weekend of September 25. “Succulent Extravaganza” (I couldn’t find the times on their website). free

Alden Lane Nursery, 981 Alden Lane, Livermore. “Quilting in the Garden.” Saturday, September 26 and Sunday, September 27. Open 8:30 to 6:00. free