Zoom meeting. Open to members only. For information on how to become a member, please send email to GCLAmembership@gmail.com.
1:00 PM -- Welcome
1:10 PM -- Horticulture Tips
1:20 PM -- Speaker Presentation
2:30 PM -- Break-out Session
Craig Dremann, owner of The Reveg Edge will explain how to restore native grasses and wildflower meadows, without sowing a single native seed. Currently, he is working on a dozen properties on the Peninsula, totaling 100 acres, plus projects in Nevada, Colorado and western Kansas.
Centuries-old native seeds are sleeping in the hills of the San Francisco Peninsula properties, waiting for us to properly mow the flammable weed grasses off them, so they can recover the land and protect us from wildfires.
In 1972, Craig started Redwood City Seed Company out of his hometown of Redwood City, California, offering heirloom vegetable seeds and a dazzling array of pepper varieties. The Seed Savers Exchange seed bank collection preserves nearly 140 seed varieties from Craig. In addition, his work now also includes the ecological restoration of wild native grasslands and wildflower meadows across the United States with his second company, The Reveg Edge. As of 2018, Craig has restored 800 acres of land previously overrun by invasive species.
If you need technical assistance in learning about Zoom, contact member Jeanne Ichnowski, who has offered to help you get set up.
Grace Tsang, Vice President & Program Chair