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Permaculture by Jessi Bloom

Online Zoom meeting. Open to members only. For information on how to become a member, please send email to

Our February talk will be on permaculture, which can be described as a profoundly thoughtful way of sustainable gardening, and encompasses the care of ourselves, other people and the environment.

Our speaker, Jessi Bloom, introduces herself as an ecological landscape designer, author and teacher: "As a single mother and lover of the earth and everything it provides, I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to pursue finding the ways that we can give to the earth, and it will give right back to us naturally. I started NW Bloom EcoLogical Landscapes, based in Woodinville WA, in 2000 to innovate and emphasize awareness of permaculture, sustainable landscape design, construction and land management."

Jessi is the author of numerous books including: Creating Sanctuary: Sacred Garden Spaces, Plant Based Medicine and Daily Practices to Achieve Happiness and Well-Being; Practical Permaculture: for Home Landscapes, Your Community, and the Whole Earth ("fabulous book!" says your program chair) and Free-Range Chicken Gardens: How to Create a Beautiful, Chicken-Friendly Yard.

If you’d like more information about permaculture before the meeting, take a look on-online: and

Grace Tsang, Vice President & Program Chair

Earlier Event: January 25
Nature Journaling by Melinda Nagaka
Later Event: March 22
Floral Design By Steven Brown