12:30PM : General Meeting
1:30 PM : Program Begins
For members only. Non members: Please bring $5 to attend as a guest. For membership details, please email to GCLAmembership@gmail.com.
Please welcome Gary Hedden, our program speaker for this month. Since retiring from his profession as a chemist, Gary has been contributing, educating, engaging youth, and working on community teams to organize efforts around sustainable growth and combat the climate crisis. He does this on his bicycle, on his feet, and like most avid gardeners, on his knees. He inspires others to have fun in the process. Those efforts have been recognized!! In 2016 he received a Los Altos/Los Altos Hills joint community Volunteer Service Award; in 2021 GreenTown named him Environmental Hero; in 2022 the Los Altos Town Crier honored him with Los Altan of the Year.
Gary will focus his presentation on his volunteer efforts since retiring in 2009, primarily the roles and projects working with the Los Altos History Museum and GreenTown Los Altos.
Karen Stoneham, Vice President and Program Chair