10:30-11:00AM : Donation Drop Off for Treasure Sale
11:30AM-12:30PM : Garden Treasure Sale
12:30 PM : General Meeting
1:30 PM : Program begins
For members only. Non members please pay $5 to attend as a guest, or $40 annual dues to become a member and attend two months for free. For membership details, please email to GCLAmembership@gmail.com.
Mike Boss, owner and steward of Hidden Forest Botanical Reserve, will share the riveting story of his journey from horticulturist and landscaper to steward of 7.5 acres of multilayered forest canopy and nursery.
Mike is the founder of Rock & Rose, his former landscape company in San Francisco. But, he always wanted to own a nursery property. Although the Hidden Forest was originally just a cow pasture with blackberry brambles, through human hands and nature’s work, it evolved to an azalea and rhododendron nursery, Sonoma Horticultural Nursery, and over time, an epic natural garden for flora and fauna on a quiet Azalea Lane in Sebastopol, CA. Mike will share views of this botanical paradise and impart the harrowing tale of trying to save it for the public’s benefit.
For more information please visit: https:// hiddenforestnursery.com/.
Samples of beautiful and unusual understory plants will be on display and for sale at the meeting.
Karen Stoneham, Vice President and Program Chair