October 2015


WEB SITE: www.gardencluboflosaltos.org


Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Los Altos Lutheran Church
460 S. El Monte Avenue, Los Altos


PROGRAM: “Flowers for Fall” Flower Arrangements for the Fall Season will be created by Tasha Hordin. By day, she is a mild-mannered Tax Accountant. However, Tasha has a passion for artful flower arrangements – and a talent for them, too. Before studying accounting, she was an art major at U. C. Santa Cruz and as her 3-Dimensional Artwork required for graduation, she made a flower arrangement! Her program presentation will give some new ideas for fall arrangements – like how to make use of those left over rose hips or those little acorns we find in the yard, before the squirrels get them.

If you should want to contact Tasha about flower arrangements or for help with your taxes, you can reach her at Tasha@hordinstax.com or call 949-5060. This month’s program was developed by JoAnne Connelly, our Programs Chairman.

HOSPITALITY: This month is our annual October Tea. We want all of our members to come
to this event but especially first year members – you will love it! We will be having our tea (and coffee) at
12:15. EVERYONE please bring your special holiday treats by then: tea-party favorites, cookies or perhaps a fruit or veggie plate. Bring your own favorite cup and saucer or mug. We always want to be “green.” Marguerite Appling & The Hospitality Crew

FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: No flower arrangements this month. Carol Press

HISTORY MUSEUM GARDEN HELPERS: We are going to have our last gardening get-together of the year on October 29th in the History Museum garden picnic table area. We will probably quit work by 10 a.m. and will have some treats to end our season of working together. We’d love to have everyone who has helped this year be there! Ellie Moll

SEMPERVIRENS FUND: We will ‘pass the basket” at our October Meeting to help preserve the coast redwoods of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Bring your change! Thanks everyone! Linda Caprini

FALL PLANT & BAKE SALE: We had a much smaller plant sale but the plants were wonderful and we sold almost every plant! Thank you all for your plant and bake sale contributions and all of your help with the sales. You are all terrific helpers and make the job so enjoyable. We made

$388.74 (net) from the Plant Sale, $150.00 from the Bake Sale and $9.20 from Book Sales.

Susan Moss

PLANT EXCHANGE: Thanks to all of you who helped at and/or attended the Plant Exchange. Despite the fact that the number of attendees and therefore amount of plant material were less than usual, a good time was had by all!!! Everyone seemed to share plants AND information. Many plants were labeled with names and/or flower color. We had many familiar faces at our “mini-reunion” and there were a few new faces as well. It’s always fun and rewarding to share plants that we’ve had success with as well as have the chance to try something new in our gardens. So thanks again to all participants!!! Co-Leads: Liz Calhoon and Betty Lee

ALONG THE GARDEN PATH: Fall is in the air and days are becoming shorter. It is a pleasant time to be in our gardens preparing them for winter. Before the rains come (smile), you may wish to put in more bulbs, add drought-tolerant plants, such as California natives, and plant cool-season vegetables (see the new planting guide at https://www.mastergardeners.org/vegetable- plantingchart). And of course, a very important task is mulch, mulch, mulch!

The last meeting of the year is our annual New Members’ Tea when we always enjoy your special recipes. As you mingle before the meeting, look for folks wearing corsages and be sure to welcome them as new members to the Garden Club! Betty Ward.


The January Board Meeting on Monday, January 4, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.
will be hosted by
Judy Hogan at her home. Co hosts are Pat Hirschbek and Liana Cauz. Call Judy, Pat or Liana if you will not be able to attend.


For the past many years, several flower arrangers from the Garden
Club have been providing flower arrangements to brighten up the Los Altos City Hall on San Antonio Road. Due to an insect infestation, a quarantine was imposed and all of the team except me were restricted from moving plant materials around and out of the area. I was outside the quarantine area and therefore have continued on my own to bring 2 arrangements to the twice-a- month City Council meetings for the past 5 years or so. Since that quarantine is no longer in place, I’d like to find others to take a turn by making 2 arrangements once a month or so. Let me know if you’re interested, and we can start a sign-up sheet or regular schedule, depending on how many are interested. If you just want to take a turn once in awhile, that’s OK, too. (The current quarantine applies only to fruits and vegetables.)

Liz Calhoon


October 16-17. Harvest Craft Faire located throughout the United Methodist Church complex on Magdalena (continuation of Springer) at Foothill Expressway in Los Altos. 10 to 5 on Friday the 16th and 9 to 3 on Saturday the 17th. 55 artisans. Lunch and snacks available. Visit Nancy Brubaker in the Garden Shop.

October 29. Hidden Treasures (Rummage) Sale on Thursday, October 29, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Located at the Cupertino Senior Center, 21251 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino

December 5-9. Annual Christmas Creche Exhibit at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 3865 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto. Hours are noon to 9 p.m. Free (and wonderful).

SCHOLARSHIP: Please consider donating to the Margaret Adams Scholarship Fund. This is a tax-deductible contribution. It is such a wonderful way to reach out and to help a recipient working toward a goal in the field of Horticulture. Please indicate whether you want your donation to go directly to the 2016 recipient or to go into the club’s scholarship fund. Thank you and if you have any questions, please call Liana Cauz