10:30 AM - Treasure Sale Drop off
11:30 AM - Treasure Sale
12:30 PM - General Meeting
1:30 PM - Program Speaker
We welcome Molly Eaton, the co-founder of Northern Roots Bee Co., to give us an introduction to the fascinating life of honey bees. We'll discuss the roles and contributions of the thousands of individual honey bees that make up the super-organism that is the bee colony. You'll come to understand their importance to our environment and the many benefits of keeping bees in your garden. You'll also have an opportunity to learn how and why bees make honey and to try fresh honeycomb from our hardworking hives in Santa Cruz.
Molly Eaton is the co-founder of Northern Roots Bee Co., a honey bee management, education, and events business based in Santa Cruz. She graduated from San Diego State University with a bachelor’s degree in International Security & Conflict Resolution and an emphasis in Environmental Security. Her studies centered around sustainable food production which ultimately introduced her to her greatest passion in life - honey bees. She is enrolled in the Master Beekeeper Program at the University of California, Davis, and is currently in pursuit of her Master Level certificate within the program. She also holds a Sensory Evaluation of Honey certificate from the UC Davis Honey and Pollination Center and the American Honey Tasting Society. Molly loves learning about bees and is especially interested in honey bee biology and pheromone communication. You can learn more about her company and the work she's doing at www.northernrootsbeeco.com or follow her on Instagram at @northernrootsbeeco
Grace Tsang, Vice President & Program Chair