February 2015
WEB SITE: www.gardencluboflosaltos.org
MEETING PLACE: Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Los Altos Lutheran Church
460 S. El Monte Avenue, Los Altos
PROGRAM: 1:30 p.m.
PLANNED PROGRAM: “Gamble Garden: Landscape of Optimism” It was with an optimistic spirit that Edwin Gamble, a son of the co-founder of Proctor & Gamble, led his family from their Kentucky farm to California. In 1902 he established a new home near Stanford University. Elizabeth, one of his four children, after living in the family home her entire life, left the house and garden to the City of Palo Alto.
We’ll learn how this special place has become a community treasure. Susan Woodman, author, and Jane Stocklin, volunteer extraordinaire at the garden, will chronicle the Gamble family journey and share how a group of citizens revitalized the property as a public garden with a horticultural and educational mission.
A book with the same title as their presentation has recently been published. Susan Woodman will be available before the meeting and after the program to sell and sign copies of the hardcover book with 200 photographs. The cost is $43.50 (including tax) cash, check or credit card. All proceeds benefit Gamble Garden. This month’s program was developed by Betty Ward, president. Visitors are welcome ($5 guest fee).
FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: "For the February meeting incorporate some fruit tree blossoms or other flowering branches in your bouquet.. If you have none in your yard, use whatever you have that is in bloom." Carol Press
HOSPITALITY: February birthdays, please remember to bring cookies or a veggie/fruit plate this month. If you missed bringing your goodies during your birthday month or love to bake – please bring them. They would be welcome. Remember your cups, please. Marguerite Appling
HISTORY HOUSE MUSEUM GARDENS: We are starting to work again on Thursday, February 5, from 9-11 a.m. Bring your favorite tools and prepare for some fun visiting while we work! Every Thursday morning unless it’s raining! Ellie Moll
FEBRUARY “GARDEN TREASURES” SALE TO BENEFIT SCHOLARSHIP: We plan to sell gift-worthy books, ceramics, linens, etc., -- donated by our members -- that have a flowery/gardeny theme, before the February meeting. Look on your shelves and in your cupboards for that pretty vase, charming cup and saucer, dramatic framed print, beautiful book, flowery set of napkins or ??? Please price the item(s) you donate “to sell,” bring them before 12:15, and if they remain unsold after the meeting, we ask that you take them home with you. (Any unsold treasures left behind will be donated to Happy Dragon, a charity for children located in Los Gatos.) The proceeds of the sale will go towards the Garden Club of Los Altos Scholarship given to a deserving student at Foothill College. Thanks, Liana Cauz
FERTILIZER SALE: This Fertilizer Sale is one of the Club’s main fundraisers. The Club buys the fertilizers in bulk and sells to the Club members at a price still less than if bought at a nursery. Apex 15.6.11 is a slow-release general fertilizer. We sell it in 4 pound bags for $12 per bag. We will sell the fertilizer before the February meeting – beginning around 12:15. Please bring carrier bags capable of holding the fertilizer. Everything must go! Pat Ley
Jim Crowther’s new email address
Patricia Elgee telephone area code is 650 not 408. Patricia joined in January.
Pat Frankenfield’s new email address
Peggy Mortensen, joined 1979 (our new honorary life member who didn’t make it into the directory)
WE NEED GARDENS!!! Our 2015 Members Garden Tour is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 30, (two days after our general meeting). We are still looking for SEVERAL gardens to be on the tour. Call Kris or Sue if you need more information, if you would like to have your garden on tour, or if you know of a wonderful garden whose owner is shy. . . We will be selling tickets at the March and April meetings (and will be asking for volunteers to assist at the gardens.) Sue Becker and Kris Gulesserian
ALONG THE GARDEN PATH At the January general meeting the members present voted to change Article III, Membership, Section 5 of the By-Laws to read: “The Club may honor members as Honorary Life Members at the Board’s discretion. The Board will approve recommendations based on qualifications, which include length of membership and active involvement in Club activities.” To our Honorary Life Members Marguerite Appling, Sylvia Chloupek, Jean Gillette, Pat Ley and Helen Sherwood, the Board has added Peggy Mortensen and Joan Tankersley. Congratulations to Peggy and Joan for this well-deserved honor! In the future, members may recommend someone to become a Garden Club Honorary Life Member by giving the name and qualifications to a Board member. Betty Ward
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: At the February general meeting, this year’s Nominating Committee (Sue Becker, Nancy Shardell and Edna Pear) will present a slate of candidates for the officer positions of President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. Additional nominations may be made from the floor before the election of officers takes place. The newly-elected officers will be installed at the March general meeting.
PLANT SALE BEFORE THE APRIL MEETING: This is our semi-annual fund raiser. Just want to remind members now is a good time to pot up plants, and plant seeds for annuals and veggies. We would like 4" pots or larger, and plants that have been divided or propagated, bulbs like lilies, dahlias, iris, crocosmia or that have been preplanted, and might bloom this spring. It is best if you label them with name and color, they sell much better. . We could use some succulents at the sale if you have some you could share. Any questions, call Susan Moss.
MARCH BOARD MEETING: The March Board Meeting on Monday, March 2 at 2 p.m. will be hosted by Kris Gulesserian, Barbara Capron and Nancy Shardell at Kris’ home. Please call Kris, Barbara or Nancy if you will not be able to attend.
GARDEN CLUB BULLETIN BOARD: Sign up for Garden Club Bulletin Board so you do not miss all the coming events this Spring! You will receive reminders of our club events by email, and have access to our membership if you need gardening advice or recommendations. It only takes one simple email to ask a question of the club! This is a PRIVATE group "messaging board" so there is no advertising or sharing email addresses. It is for current Garden Club of Los Altos Members Only! Contact Nancy to join today
CITRUS DANGER: There is an editorial article in the January 3, 2015, San Jose Mercury, written by Joseph Deviney, the agricultural commissioner for Santa Clara County. A pest called the Asian citrus psyllid has been detected in three locations around San Jose. The insect feeds on the leaves and stems of citrus trees and can spread a destructive and incurable plant disease called huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening. He says DO NOT order citrus fruit or plants from outside California. Also, inspect your citrus trees whenever tending the trees. If you think you’ve spotted the pest or disease, call the county or the California Department of Food and Agriculture hotline at (800) 491-1899. Tip from Marguerite Appling.