January 2015
WEB SITE: www.gardencluboflosaltos.org
MEETING PLACE: Tuesday, January 27, 2014
Los Altos Lutheran Church
460 S. El Monte Avenue, Los Altos
PROGRAM: 1:30 p.m.
PLANNED PROGRAM: “The Botanical Obsession: Plants and Porcelain” will be the subject of Pat Knight’s program. Pat was born in England and has a degree in English and European History. Pat and her husband emigrated to Massachusetts
in 1960 (where she gained a landscape certificate) and now live in Los Altos Hills. Pat is a member of the Garden Club of Los Altos, the San Francisco Ceramic Circle and the Western Horticultural Society. She is webmaster for both WHS and The Garden Club of Los Altos.
In Pat’s talk, she will review the role of botany in the 18th Century. The outcome
of explorations and the part played by North America will be discussed as well as the work of the great scientists, Carl Linneaus and Georg Oeder.
The changing landscape of the great estates, the research at botanical centers
such as the Chelsea Physic Garden and the popular interest in horticulture led to books illustrated with botanical prints by Georg Ehret and to the Botanical magazine published by William Curtis. As a result, botanical decoration became fashionable and this will be illustrated with examples from Meissen, Chelsea, Derby, the Royal Danish porcelain factory and on the profusion of botanical wares seen in the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Visitors are welcome to attend the program. The guest fee is $5.
HOSPITALITY: January birthdays, please remember your cookies or fruit/veggie plate. November and December birthdays --- you may want to bring your cookies to this meeting. Remember to be green – bring your own mug. Marguerite Appling
FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: For the January Flower Arrangement I have decided with the following thoughts in mind: The weather has been so cold and dry little is blooming in most gardens. If you have a couple of early bloomers flowering, you are fortunate and can use these. However if your garden is as scant of blooms as mine, grab some bulbs at your favorite market such as Trader Joe's. Create a bouquet based on an unusual repurposed vessel -- an old wooden box, an unusual vase, a glass cylinder to display the purchased bulbs or your own blooms.
New flower arrangers get up your courage and be a presenter. Please remember to write your name on the sign-up sheet by the stage. Carol Press
MEMBERSHIP: Welcome to our new member Patricia Elgee
FERTILIZER SALE: We will have a limited fertilizer sale in February. Details will be in the February newsletter. Pat Ley.
ALONG THE GARDEN PATH: If you’re like me you’ve been savoring remembrances of our 85th anniversary celebration last October – a wonderful afternoon of enjoying tasty food with friends, learning again about our Club’s involvement in the community through the years, welcoming new members and honoring long-time members, hearing personal reflections, and watching members create special floral arrangements. Many thanks to everyone who was involved in the planning and preparations! If you missed the event, I hope you’ve read the excellent article in the Los Altos Town Crier (November 5, 2014). Thanks to Pat Knight, the article and some photos taken that day may be found on our Club’s website. Betty Ward, President
PENDING AMENDMENT TO THE BY-LAWS At the January general meeting, members will be asked to vote for changes to Article III – Membership, Section 5. It currently states: “The Club may honor a maximum of five members as Honorary Life members at any one time. A committee of three will be appointed by the President to recommend a new Honorary Life Member when the occasion arises. The qualifications for Honorary Life Membership include length of membership and active involvement in Club activities.” The change being proposed is that Section 5 of Article III will read: “The Club may honor members as Honorary Life Members at the Board’s discretion. The Board will approve recommendations based on qualifications, which include length of membership and active involvement in Club activities.” Approval of these changes to the Article will be two-thirds of members present voting “yes”.
FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING: The February Board Meeting on Monday, February 2, at 2 p.m. will be hosted by Chris Gilbrech, Liana Cauz and Pat Hirschbek at Chris’ home. Please call Chris , Liana or Pat if you will not be able to attend.
FEBRURY GARDEN TREASURES SALE: In February, we will once more have our Garden Treasures Sale to benefit our 2015 Scholarship. Do you have a New Year’s resolution to dispose of some possessions? We want “gardeny” items -- books, vases, linens, etc.