June 2015


WEB SITE: www.gardencluboflosaltos.org

MEETING PLACE: Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Los Altos Lutheran Church
460 S. El Monte Avenue, Los Altos

PROGRAM: Renee Shepherd will present “Container Gardens from Seed” at our June 23 meeting. We will learn her secrets for successfully growing seeds into seedlings and then into big, beautiful plants. Renee is famous for quality and the unusual seed varieties, which she actually tests in her own garden in Felton – and sells by mail, online and in gardening shops to discriminating home gardeners. She also has written cookbooks with recipes for the “grown up” garden produce. We have asked Renee to bring some of her books for us to purchase after the program.

This month’s program was developed by Program Committee member (and Master Gardener) Mary Ann Lipsig. Guests are welcome. The fee for guests is $5.

HOSPITALITY: JUNE birthdays – it is your turn to bring cookies/fruit plate/veggie plate (by 12:15) to our June meeting. Everyone remember your coffee mug – we are trying to “think green.” Marguerite Appling

FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: For the June Garden Club meeting, I want to piggyback on our May meeting speaker who outlined numerous drought-tolerant herbs and plants. Please design a bouquet incorporating any of your favorite drought-tolerant plants in your garden. Other flowers that are not drought tolerant can be added to complement these. Carol Press

SCHOLARSHIP: We are delighted to announce that our 2015 Garden Club of Los Altos scholarship recipient is Glenda Pena, a student at Foothill College. Glenda was born in Guatemala and came with her family to the United States when she was 5 years old. She attended Santa Clara County schools – grammar through high school (with an interim in Modesto during the first part of high school). She discovered her love of gardening in 2010 and went from being an enthusiastic hobbyist to taking classes at local sustainable farms and learning more about sustainability, care for the environment and natural healthcare. She enrolled in the Horticulture and Environmental Studies program at Foothill College – beginning her journey as a college student in her late twenties. I am delighted that Glenda will attend our June meeting so we may all meet her. Liana Cauz

HISTORY MUSEUM GARDEN HELPERS: We are still working on Thursdays, from 9-11. You, too, can join our regular Thursday crew. If you would like to join us, please call Ellie Moll, and I will add you to my email list to be notified of our work plans. We chat as we work and quite often we learn something new from one another. Thank You!!!

MEMBERSHIP: Welcome to our new members: Jan Martin and Clare Scaife, And welcome back to returning members: Louanna Angelo, Jean R. Beard andJohanna Ebbing

MEMBERS GARDEN TOUR: The Garden Tour this year was a great success and enjoyed by all who attended. A giant “thank you” to our garden owners Kathi Oderio, Carol Moison, Sharyl Montague, Barbara Warnock and Marva Warnock as well as all our volunteers who helped with the tour. You all did a great job and even had to brave some raindrops! We sold 102 tickets and after reimbursed expenses we had net proceeds of $1,393. We look forward to next year. It is not too early to think about your garden for the tour. Sue Becker and Kris Gulessarian

JEAN GILLETTE ILL: Jean Gillette -- who has been a member of the Garden Club of Los Altos since 1968 and has held every office except web master -- is ill. She is facing a serious health challenge that will involve a series of treatments in the coming weeks. I’m sure she would enjoy receiving cards and notes from her Garden Club friends. Betty Ward

ALONG THE GARDEN PATH: I’m sure you will agree that our amazing duo, Sue Becker and Kris Guleserian, arranged and organized five very special gardens for us to visit on our annual Members’ Garden Tour. Hope you came away with delightful memories as well as new ideas to consider for your outdoor spaces. Our heartfelt thanks to Sue and Kris!

Judging by the number of folks who came up to the front to purchase plants after Rose Loveall’s “Herbs in the Garden” program last month, many of us now have added wonderful herbs to our gardens! It will be fun to look forward to using our homegrown herbs to flavor teas and cakes, and vegetables and entrees as well as adding fragrance to sachets and potpourri. Betty Ward

WEB MASTER NEEDED NEXT SPRING: Pat Knight, our intrepid web master, thinks it is time for a new perspective on our web site. She would like to “retire” next April. She would be happy to help the new web master and promises that is an interesting task for someone who is relatively computer savvy. Call her to chat about how she handles the task.

IN BLOOM NOW: It’s been so much fun seeing what’s growing in your garden. Keep it up!

AUGUST BOARD MEETING: The August Board Meeting on Monday, August 4, 2015, at 2 p.m. will be hosted by Linda Caprini, Priscilla Sturm and Barbara Capron at Linda’s home, Please call Linda, Priscilla or Barbara if you will not be able to attend.

ANOTHER BEE STORY: After hearing Liz Calhoon’s Bees Tragedy Tale at the May meeting of the Garden Club, we were delighted to hear Priscilla Sturm’s Bee Story at the GCLA Board Meeting: Priscilla and her husband Al had several beehives at their vacation property in Grass Valley. Last summer, there was a wildfire that went through and burned everything on their property – including their beehives. They have a bumper crop of wild flowers this year. Al made a new beehive to take up to Grass Valley, put it in the back of his pick-up truck and planned to leave the next morning. Apparently there was a swarm of bees in the neighborhood AND THE BEES MOVED INTO THE BEEHIVE IN THE TRUCK!!! Al drove them up to Grass Valley and they seem to be very happy. . .

WHO WANTS TO KNOW ABOUT GETTING RID OF GOPHERS? Marguerite Appling can’t recall who wanted to know about her gopher man so here’s the information for anyone who wants it: His name is Edward Rice and his company is History Pest Elimination. His phone number is (408) 571-8211. Marguerite has used him for about three years. He does gophers and other critters.

No Meeting or Newsletter in July! See you in August. . .