May 2015



Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Los Altos Lutheran Church
460 S. El Monte Avenue, Los Altos 12:45


PROGRAM: “HERBS IN THE GARDEN” will be presented by Rose Loveall, owner of the Morningsun Herb Farm near Vacaville. Rose will bring some herb samples for those who aren’t familiar with the various herbs available nowadays, AND some plants for sale to get some herbs started in your garden. Herbs create a compact garden that doesn’t require too much water. Cooking with your own homegrown herbs add a whole new range of flavors to dinner time!

This month’s program was developed by Nancy Shardell. Guests are welcome to attend for a $5 fee.

HOSPITALITY: May birthdays – it is your turn to bring cookies/fruit plate/veggie plate (by 12:15) to our May meeting. Everyone remember your coffee mug – we are trying to “think green.” Marguerite Appling

FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS: For the May Garden Club meeting, I would like to repeat a bouquet suggestion from last year’s May meeting. Since May is the “Mother’s Day Month,” I suggest that you design a bouquet either using a favorite vase that was passed down from your mother to you or create a bouquet that includes a few of her favorite flowers. I loved last year’s presentations and I love honoring our mothers in this special way. Carol Press

SCHOLARSHIP: Thanks so much for the donations at the April meeting – people were so generous! With our other funds, we will be able to offer a $1,200 scholarship to a deserving student at Foothill College. We even have a small excess which we will apply to next year’s scholarship. Liana Cauz

GARDEN CLUB WEB SITE: Our web site is easy to use. Just go to “home page” and then click on links to recent events. Pat Knight

IN BLOOM NOW: Our display board for “In Bloom Now” is craving pictures of your garden in bloom now. Or bring along actual flowers in vases for display also (these aren’t flower arrangements, just the flowers). It will be fun to see what everyone is growing.

SPRING PLANT & BAKE SALE: Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, Tuesday was an AWESOME day! The proceeds of the sales were as follows:

Plant Sale - $842.25 gross, $774.48 net (Goal for the year: $1,250 Bake Sale - $268.50 (Goal for the year : $400)

Beautiful plants, yummy goodies, great job by all! What a great sale and we have the best volunteers! Thank you for all who brought such a great selection of plants and items for our bake sale. Susan Moss

SPRING PLANT EXCHANGE The plant exchange was a lot of fun. There were “enough” volunteers so things went smoothly. The Friends of the Library were holding their used book sale that day so we had passers-by galore who were finding the plant exchange for the first time. It’s so nice to have a community event like this. Liz Calhoon

HISTORY MUSEUM GARDEN HELPERS: We are still working on Thursdays, from 9-11. You, too, can join our regular Thursday crew. We just got a new volunteer! If you would like to join us, please call Ellie Moll and I will add you to my email list to be notified of our work plans. We chat as we work and quite often we learn something new from one another. Thank You!!!

ALONG THE GARDEN PATH: Happy (Garden Club) New Year! It seems so appropriate that
the Club’s fiscal year begins in the spring when we look forward to our plant and bake
sales as well as the opportunity to visit special members’ gardens! Many thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s activities by bringing or purchasing plants, baked goods and volunteering at gardens. You’re the best!
Betty Ward

GARDEN CLUB BULLETIN BOARD: Here is a some information on our bulletin board: Be sure to use the same email address that you get GCBB messages on! (The BulletinBoard will not recognize any other email address, and think you aren't a member) When you send pictures, please use “small file” so everyone can open the file.

If you aren't a GCBB member but wish to be, send an email to Nancy Brubecker and I'll send you the Invitation. Alternately you can search for Yahoo Groups, find the GC BulletinBoard home page, and click on Join This Group. That will send a request to me to let you join. Nancy Brubaker, Moderator for the BulletinBoard

MEMBERSHIP: Welcome to our new members:
Beverly Bonfert, Michael Cassidy, Robert Plummer, Julia Mannheimer, Dalia Neshnmit, Kathy Ode, Carol Moison, Sharyl Montague, Barbara Warnock and Marva Warnock. and returning members:
Joan Pampeyan, Molly Morrison-Lopez, Sharon O’Brien and Jennie Brick
Their contact information will be in the directory available at the May meeting.

JUNE BOARD MEETING: The June Board Meeting on Monday, June 1, 2015, at 2 p.m. will

be hosted by Susan Moss, Pat Knight and Susan Trost at Susan Moss’ home, Call Susan M., Pat or Susan T. if you will not be able to attend.


May 9 and 10, from 11 – 5. Silicon Valley Open Studios – Los Altos Area. This is a yearly event when local artists open their studios for visitors to see - and hopefully buy - the pictures, pottery, jewelry, etc., being exhibited. Our Pat Ley, her daughter and some friends will be showing two types of photography, acrylic and oil painting and pottery at Pat’s home 26850 Ortega Drive, Los Altos Hills.

Annual Rummage Sale at Los Altos United Methodist Church

May 15 8am – 6pm, May 16 8am – 2pm -- Donations accepted May 12 & 13 9am – 6pm Snacks and Lunch available-
Los Altos United Methodist Church
655 Magdalena Ave. at Foothill Expressway

Saturday, May 23, 2015 1:00-3;00 P.M. Learn the best techniques for growing vegetables in a drought, “Growing Vegetables this Summer,” at the Teaching and Demonstration Garden, Charles Street Gardens, 433 Charles St., Sunnyvale. Free. Presented by Master Gardener Alice Schwegman. In spite of drought, plant diseases, and insect pests, we all want to grow some of our favorite vegetables at home or in our community gardens this summer. Come hear about ways to garden with these challenges and come out winning with a bountiful harvest. We’ll discuss best techniques for growing healthy summer vegetables with an eye on making every drop of irrigation count.

Garden Club of Los Altos
275 Solana Drive
Los Altos CA 94022